My name is Dan Kennedy. My business is Orion Graphic Design. I have well over a decade of experience as a Graphic Designer and even longer as an artist. I feel that having my roots in art has enhanced my abilities as a graphic designer. I look at every new project as its own unique piece of art and I approach it with the creative process needed to achieve its desired results.
Many artists and designers take on a style over time that is inevitably reflected in their work. This is a natural process as the artist finds ways of creating that are appealing to them. In the graphic design world this can be an issue for the client. Every client has their own project and every project needs to be produced with a desired style. If the hired graphic designer only has one established style, then the design process can prove to be problematic. Instead of achieving the desired look of the design and what it represents, the artist’s style pulls the look off track.
I take pride in having a variety of art styles to choose from when I approach a new project, because every individual design is different.